Host: Tyler Vaughan
With everything, we introduce we encourage all listeners to really embrace the challenges that we all know exist when working with that one position on the field that doesn't quite make sense unless you've done it. We know that the challenges so many coaches face when supporting their team's goalkeeper is simply a lack of comfort with what they should be doing or saying. We hope to give you a few bite-size points to start to look for and convey to your team's goalie.
We have all faced those key moments in a game where the goalkeeper became exposed and beaten yet as a coach we weren't quite sure how to educate them for the next opportunity. With these 5 simple topics, you can now start to encourage keepers to focus on these 5 pillars of goalkeeping to not only take their game to the next level but to also take your team to the next level.
To be a goalkeeper is a lonely task on the pitch, as coaches, we want to empower you to connect, instruct, and support your keepers with a new found confidence and guidance that we hope to instill after spending some time with us during this episode.